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Fly High Build Home - The Journey

A few years back I was reading a book by this title. At this point in my own journey I was deep in learning and unlearning of habits, behaviors, and thought patterns in my life. Accepting life as it was no longer served me. That option rendered me hopeless, defeated and questioning my worth. It also left my family receiving pain and confusion from me. The saying hurt people, hurt people comes to mind. I knew intimately what it was to receive from that scenario and I was determined to be the change. As I read this book the title inspired both my husband and I. We had both been raised to think small and safe over stretching our gifts and potential. In our childhood towns, fear based thinking was considered "wisdom", anyone who dared to hope for more was "a fool". How dare we question the way things have always been... We want more for our family. Around this same time I was out with a friend at a local flea market, I had been telling her about this declaration for our family when we came across artwork of a large strong tree with 4 birds taking flight from it (we happen to have 4 children). Underneath the picture read "To our children we give two things... One is roots, the other is wings." 


Fly High Build Home is a gentle invitation and at the same time a resolved declaration. More is possible. But first I had to slow down. Get introspective. Observe instead of judge my internal world. I had to notice the numbing that I'd done to cope. Safe conversations were completely foreign to me. The need for psychological safety was also mocked, belittled, gaslighted and so on in my childhood experience. Allowing myself to feel and explore emotions, I had to get curious about my strengths, my story, my needs, and my impact. This world needs every voice. We each bring nuance and unique perspectives. We are also created for relationship. That detail alone is one of the most common complaints I have said and have heard from others. I support women as they choose to take themselves on. Women who have become bored or frustrated with the complaints they say on repeat, those who are ready for more joy and more freedom. Women who want to live life fully, express their unique beauty and fierce leadership. Women who know they are pioneering for others that will follow. If this fits for you and you're ready to step into your most authentic self, schedule a time with me. Let's unlock what has been holding you back!


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If you're ready to move message me. 

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