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Cultivating Dreams and Life with Purpose.

Meet Julie

Certified Transformational Life Coach

I am wife, mother, daughter, and sister. I am passionate about relationships and supporting others in building connections. Wherever we go, we find people. For some, this is seen as a hurdle. I believe it's an ongoing opportunity. We are given one life and the opportunities are wide. Restoration is possible. Healing is possible. Loving the life you create is possible. These are all part of my story too. 


Generational Impact

Who've you have been is part of who you are now, but the best is yet to come. You have a story and you're not happy with pieces of it. Some of the parts feel chaotic and out or your control. You wish family could understand and respect your boundaries. You see the impact of your story on your children. Let's work together to consider what parts need to stay and what is no longer serving you.


Be Bold Enough to Dream

and Brave Enough to Try

Julie has deep wisdom and understanding. She knows when to clue in on something I said or shared and to dig deeper into it. She is kind and approachable. I feel very safe being vulnerable and sharing life with her. I am grateful for the time I have invested with her to grow. It has been invaluable to me.

-Laura N.

Over the last 15 years of my personal growth journey, I have connected with many coaches and Julie stands out. Julie offers a uniquely supportive experience that feels cozy and she maintains a curiosity and acceptance that is unmatched as she draws out the patterns that are present in my life and in support of me feeling whole.


Julie has invested in her own growth, confronted her personal challenges and created a vision for herself and her family's future that is rooted in relationship.  Through the coaching process with Julie, her willingness to share and draw from her own personal experiences brings connection and curiosity that takes the inner work that she has invited me to confront to the next level of depth.  I have grown tremendously through my connection with Julie and am thankful for continuing my journey with her.

- Kirsten G. CEO TSB

Julie has a gentle way of helping you to examine your thoughts, emotions and responses without judgement so you can start to identify the things that are holding you back. She helped me identify where my strengths have been helping me and where they have been inhibiting my growth when they are overused. Most of all, Julie has been an encouragement and celebrated with me as I've made progress towards my goals. Her support has been invaluable.

- Janna W.

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What We Do

3 Coaching Sessions

Created by Kate Pintor
  • Spark your curiosity to greater personal understanding

  • Increase your toolbox of resources for self coaching post sessions

  • Tap into your creativity and notice what your drawn to vs repelled from

  • All coaching is supported with Clifton Strengths and personalized

Into the Looking Glass
6 Coaching Sessions

I am Looking Glass certified by Kate Pintor

Take a deeper dive into how you show up in the world. This program guides you in discovery, increasing your capacity for emotions and to be with others emotions. You will get to create your personal vision. This is the work of transformational journeys.

Clifton Strengths Coaching

In all of my coaching I work with this tool. It was created in 1999 by Donald Clifton, who observed the abundant assessments to evaluated what is "wrong" with someone and wondered what if we looked at what's right?! This tool is now used globally by over 31 million individuals. 


Follow on Instagram @coachingwithjulied

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